Q: What is the check-in/check-out time at Sullivan Vacation Rentals?

A: Check-in time is typically 4:00 PM, and check-out time is 11:00 AM. However, we understand that travel plans may vary, and we’ll do our best to accommodate early or late check-ins/outs whenever possible.

Q: Are pets allowed at Sullivan Vacation Rentals?

A: Some of our rental properties are pet-friendly, while others are not. Please check the individual property listing for details on whether pets are allowed or not.

Q: What amenities are included in the rental properties?

A: Our rental properties come with several required amenities, including fully equipped kitchens, linens, towels, and other essentials. Many of our properties also offer amenities such as hot tubs, fireplaces, and outdoor grills. Check the individual property listing for specific details.

Q: Is smoking allowed in rental properties?

A: Smoking is not allowed in any of our rental properties. If smoking occurs on a property, a cleaning fee will be charged. If rules are not followed, you will lose 100% of your security/damage deposit.

Q: Is there a minimum stay requirement for Sullivan Vacation Rentals?

A: Yes, there is typically a minimum stay requirement, which varies depending on the property and time of year. Please check the individual property listing for details.

Q: What is the cancellation policy for Sullivan Vacation Rentals?

A: Our cancellation policy varies depending on the property and time of year. Please check the individual property listing for details.

Q: How do I book a rental property with Sullivan Vacation Rentals?

A: You can book a rental property through our website or by contacting us directly. We’ll be happy to assist you with the booking process and answer any questions you may have.

Q: What should I do if I have an issue during my stay?

A: If you have any issues or concerns during your stay, please contact us immediately. We’ll do our best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible to ensure that you have a comfortable and enjoyable vacation.

Q: Are there age restrictions for renting a cabin?

A: Yes, the primary renter must be at least 24 years of age and be present during the entire stay.

Q: Will you provide additional items if we need them?

A: If you require additional items, please let us know. We’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.

Q: Is there a deposit required to rent a cabin?

A: Yes, we require a deposit to reserve your rental property. There is a $500 fully refundable fee for each property.

Q: How do I access the rental property?

A: You’ll receive detailed instructions on how to access the rental property about 5 days prior to your visit. This will include the access code and any other information you may need.

Q: Can I have guests visit me during my stay?

A: Yes, you’re welcome to have up to 5 guests visit you during your stay, starting from 10 am until 9 pm. After 9 pm, the number of guests in the house must not exceed the number reserved for.
.Additional guests without prior notification will result in additional fees.

Q: Is there a noise policy for the rental properties?

A: Yes, both Port Isabel and Lake Granbury have quiet hours in place to ensure that all guests can enjoy a peaceful and comfortable stay. Quiet hours are from 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM weekdays and 11 pm to 8 am Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Loud music or parties are not permitted at any time.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally damage something in the rental property?

A: Please let us know immediately if you accidentally damage something in the rental property. We understand that accidents can happen, and we’ll work with you to resolve the issue as quickly and fairly as possible.

Q: Can I extend my stay if I decide to stay longer?

A: If the rental property is available, we may be able to extend your stay. Please contact us as soon as possible if you’re interested in extending your stay.